Many breadwinners in Eastern Europe experience a new set of problems as winter arrives. Seasonal jobs like hoeing corn and cutting hay are no longer available. The cold months look daunting to parents who barely have enough funds for food and clothing, let alone heat for their homes.
The Rusu family from Romania struggles financially even without the extra cost of winter. Laurentiu, the father of this family of seven, has no steady job other than what he can find in their village. The family’s home is crowded with only one bedroom, but Laurentiu’s unstable income makes it difficult to expand their house.
Through the Adopt-A-Family program, the Rusu family receives monthly food parcels that help stretch their low income. They are one of thousands of grateful families in Eastern Europe who benefit from this program.
A family from Ukraine who receives Adopt-A-Family food parcels wrote, “We saw the Lord’s mercy to our family through the food parcels. Sometimes it was as the bread for Elijah in the desert.”
The variety of food in the parcel is a treat to many families. Children enjoy digging through the contents when a parcel arrives. Along with this gift of food, families appreciate the Seed of Truth magazine included in the parcel. This rare opportunity to receive new literature is a treasure to Christian families.
Thank you, supporters, for helping thousands of families in this practical way.