Adult disposable briefs are critically needed almost everywhere in the world that CAM works. Each year, we could use more than 1,000,000 adult disposable briefs. The briefs are used for needy people or homes that care for the elderly, paralyzed, or handicapped. Adult briefs are vital in easing the burden of caretakers who have limited resources and often live with no running water or indoor plumbing.
More than 1,000,000 adult briefs could be used each year.
At a home for the handicapped in Liberia, more than half of its residents need adult disposable briefs. As much as possible, CAM supplies briefs for this home. But because of our limited supply, there are not nearly enough to reach around. One of the caretakers says, “We are praying for more adult briefs for the less fortunate.”
In Romania, Parasca Cascear, who lives in a village with no running water, single-handedly cares for her handicapped children. Her husband turned to alcohol and left Parasca to look out for her family alone. Working to earn some income is out of the question for this busy mother. Her special needs children and bedridden 91-year-old mother need 24-hour care. Without the adult briefs she receives from CAM, her difficult situation would be even more burdensome.
“Words cannot express what a great help this is!” says Parasca. “Only God can reward those who think of us and help us.”
“Adult briefs are a tremendous blessing . . . the care of invalid elderly folks puts much emotional and financial strain on the caretakers.”
—CAM staff member in Nicaragua
In Bethany, the Biblical hometown of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, there is a home for the handicapped that relies heavily on CAM for adult briefs. One of the patients is Suma, who smiles with gratefulness. Despite her disabilities and rejection from her family, Suma has found love and acceptance here. Just as the disabled experienced the compassion of Jesus in the days when He walked the dusty roads of Israel, so today Suma and many others around the world also experience His love because of caring supporters like you.
Although we receive a limited amount of donated adult briefs, this supply does not nearly meet the demand. To help with this desperate need, we are setting up a special fund to purchase them for the needy. If you would like to help us provide much-needed adult briefs for the families and caretakers of the elderly, bedridden, or handicapped, your contribution will be a great blessing to them.