Many people groups make their homes in the Amazon River basin near the borders of Colombia, Brazil, and Peru. Few of them have ever heard the Gospel. Some have no Scripture in their language.

The Ahsatdah* group is one of the people groups living along the Amazon basin that sorely lacks access to God’s Word. Two short books of the Bible, Jonah and Ruth, are the only Scriptures translated into the Ahsatdah language. Only three people among the Ahsatdah are known followers of Jesus.
There are approximately 2,500 Ahsatdah people. Some of them live in Colombian villages accessible only by multiple flights and a ten-hour hike through the jungle. They believe the jungles around them are inhabited by malignant spirits who lure people into their clutches and devour them. The Ahsatdah also believe that certain men called shamans are able to communicate with the spirits and have the power to heal or curse.
God’s heart yearns for all people to know Him, including the Ahsatdah. This knowledge has created a burden for All-Nations Bible Translation members to reach the Ahsatdah through Bible translation. Team members in Colombia are praying about this venture and taking initial steps in that direction. Several representatives from All-Nations traveled through Colombia’s jungle to visit the Ahsatdah, despite their remote location. They wanted to gain a better understanding of what it would require to bring the Gospel to these people. As in any Bible translation effort, beginning and carrying through with this process will require determination and patience for many years.
Please pray for All-Nations Bible Translation team members as they seek to bring the Gospel to the Ahsatdah people. Pray also that the work of All-Nations Bible Translation around the world would further God’s kingdom.
*Actual name of people group is not used due to security concerns.