The Bible the Most Precious Gift

“This is a gift from God for you,” a Bible distributor in a restricted country said as he handed a New Testament to a woman. She took the New Testament and, with tears in her eyes and her hands shaking with excitement, said, “Oh, I really love Jesus!” The distributor shared, “When I was walking to the door, I glanced back at her. She was staring at the book. She lovingly pressed it to her chest and kissed it.”

Since Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1436, more than 130 million different book titles have been published. But one book has outsold and outlasted all other books ever printed. It is the only book authorized by God Himself. That book is the Holy Bible.

The Bible is flawlessly accurate, a masterpiece in literature. It never needs to be updated, yet is never outdated. “Forever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89).

Most important of all, the Bible is the only book with a life-saving message directly from God! It can transform people from sinners to saints and change their path from hell to heaven.

Tragically, many people today know nothing about the God of the Bible. It is estimated that more than 2 billion people have never even heard the name of Jesus! An evangelist once visited a remote village and asked if the villagers had ever heard of Jesus. “No,” replied one, “but maybe he lives in the next village.” In other places, people have heard the name of Jesus but know very little about Him. Many yearn to know more!

A seemingly unrelenting demand for the Bible comes from many parts of the world. Millions living under atheism or other false belief systems are looking for something better.

Together with partners, CAM distributes Bibles and New Testaments in many languages around the globe. Most go to restricted parts of the world where God’s Word is not easily accessible and where the demand is the highest. In these regions, Bibles and New Testaments are sometimes referred to as “paper evangelists” because they can go where human preachers cannot.

These restricted places are also where the most danger and self-sacrifice are involved. Many Bible distributors put their lives on the line. Some suffer torture and imprisonment. Working in these areas no doubt creates a certain amount of physical and financial risk, but we still feel it is critically important to seize the opportunities that exist. As some doors of opportunity have closed, others have opened.

One Bible recipient shared, “The Bible I received today is more precious than anything that the world can provide. It is more precious than gold, more precious than silver because it is the Word of God!”

In addition to Bibles in print form, we receive many requests for audio Bibles. These are for people who cannot read or write or are blind. One man said, “I’m totally illiterate. I cannot read. I cannot even write my name. The Bible is for me like drinking water.”  

People at times ask, “How many Bibles are needed?” Even a number as high as one hundred million copies is not an unreasonable answer since it is only a tiny fraction of the people who still do not have a Bible! We recently heard of a man who prayed for a Bible for 71 years before receiving one as an old man.

Thank you for making it possible for many people around the world to receive the most important book the world has ever seen: God’s book, the Holy Bible. We estimate that the average cost per Bible (printed and distributed) will be $4 in the coming year.*

“We are so happy!” said a restricted country contact. “Before, people used to ask us where they can get the Word of God . . . now we have the possibility to give God’s Word to those who are hungry and thirsty. We are so happy!”

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please . . .” Isaiah 55:11

*This average cost is subject to change depending on actual printing and distribution costs.

If you wish to help put Bibles into the hands of many people around the world, click the donate button to give a gift.