One day when Amy* stopped at a gas station, a stranger walked up to her and gave her a note. On it were numerous sayings such as “God has a purpose for your life.” This note spoke deeply to her since she had recently come out of a detox center for drug addicts.
As Amy finished filling her car tank with gas, she turned around and saw a large billboard that read, After you die, you will meet God.
These two incidents back-to-back jolted Amy and she picked up the phone to call our toll-free number. She admitted that she had gone the wrong way in life and was ready to repent and give her life to the Lord.
Then Amy prayed, asking God to forgive her for going astray. She acknowledged that God knows what is best for her, and confessed that she has chosen her own way and has not been living in God’s will. She thanked God for being willing to receive her even though she felt she does not deserve it.
At the end of the call, Amy was open to receiving Christian literature and follow-up from the phone team. She commented, “I think this is a breakthrough.”
* Names in this publication have been changed to protect identities.