Discouraged and struggling, Justin* longs for a different life. When he called our billboard number, our team member explained the Gospel to Justin and described how he could experience a new life in Christ.
“How do I get Jesus inside of me?” Justin asked.
“Jesus enters every heart that completely surrenders to His lordship and His salvaging process,” explained our team member.
“How does it feel to have Jesus inside?” Justin inquired.
“It’s not a matter of feeling,” replied our team member. “But rather, we see God as the holy God that He is, ourselves as sinners in need of great changes, and the world as a system of failed and hurtful values.” He continued to explain how our whole perspective of life is changed and we are driven by a passion to be like Jesus. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new,” he quoted from 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Justin’s eyes were opened as he heard of the change that takes place in the new birth. He stated that he wants to search it out. Our team member encouraged him to get a Bible and study the Gospels, letting Jesus speak for Himself. Pray for Justin as he seeks for truth!
*Names in this publication have been changed to protect identity.