Angie* was once a Christian, but over a period of time her connection with God cooled off. Concerned about her spiritual condition, Angie was searching for God again when she saw the billboard that read, Are you preparing to meet Jesus?
“I have to find God or restore my relationship with Him,” Angie said. “You know, I drive by that billboard almost every day, and it’s just there! So I finally decided to call, and I can hardly believe someone answered and was there to talk with me.”
Our phone team member shared many Scripture verses with Angie while she drank in the words of truth. He told her that God will reward her searching heart and quoted, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
Angie gladly accepted the offer of free Gospel literature and was thrilled at the prospect of our team member finding a church in her area. She was like a ripe fruit ready for harvest.
Millions of passersby, like Angie, see a CAM Gospel message each day. Hundreds of billboards are “just there,” as Angie put it. It is difficult to ignore a sign so big with a message so unusual.
* Name changed to protect identity.