Hopelessness crowded Briana’s* thoughts. She grew up in Kenya then moved to the United States searching for a new life. She found a good job that provided for her needs. Then Briana fell into immorality and gave birth to a son.
Times became hard for Briana. She lost her job, car, and apartment and lived with her son in a homeless shelter. One day, all hope gone, Briana typed, God, I hate you! into her internet search bar. Looking over the results, she saw the Gospel billboard number. She called and found someone who would listen.
“What faith I had is dead,” Briana told our phone team member. “I don’t know if I believe in God anymore.” Our phone team member listened to Briana’s story. He prayed for her, read to her from the Bible, and encouraged her not to give up. He also connected her with several Anabaptist families.
After receiving this encouragement, Briana’s situation improved for a while. But later that year she called our team member again, sobbing uncontrollably. The team member prayed for Briana as she tried to gain control of her emotions. “I just don’t want to live anymore,” she choked. “I can hardly even exist!” Her job did not provide sufficient income to support herself and her son. They continued living in the homeless shelter.
Our billboard team sent out several prayer alert requests for Briana. Your prayers and God’s grace have guided her towards the light. The past two years, in which she has kept contact with our phone team member, have been a growing experience for her.
Briana and her son now have a place to call home. She works for a nonprofit organization and enrolls in a program to help orphans with no place to stay. Briana told one boy, “Someone helped me spiritually and physically and now I am going to pass on what I received.”
Please continue to pray for the lost and hopeless “Brianas” in our nation. Pray that the witness of Gospel billboards would help them come to know our great and merciful God.
*Name changed to protect identity.