Other CAM Websites

CAM Books logo color

The vision of CAM Books is to:

  • Provide wholesome books and resources to strengthen your faith.
  • Reinforce our rich spiritual heritage through sound Bible-based teaching materials.
  • Take you on a “trip around the world,” to see needs and opportunities.
  • Inspire you to help enlarge God’s kingdom.
  • Produce quality children’s books that honor the Creator through nature, relate to our way of life, and promote godly character development.

CAM Books is a wholly owned, for-profit subsidiary of Christian Aid Ministries. Profits from CAM Books help support the work of Christian Aid Ministries.

CAMFoundation logo 2023

Did you know you can donate assets such as grain or cattle to send children to school, feed hungry refugees, and spread the Gospel?

Are you thinking of selling your farm or business and need help with capital gains tax issues?

Would you like help from a kingdom-focused perspective on establishing a will or trust?

Visit the CAM Foundation website for answers to your financial stewardship questions.

CAMwest logo stand alone

Coming soon. Programs and events for our CAM West supporters.

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Christian Aid Ministries Canada was founded in 1984 as a non-profit tax organization in Waterloo, Ontario, to serve CAM supporters from Canada.

Canadian residents must donate on the CAM Canada website to receive a tax-deductible receipt.

SAR Logo 2023 Version

CAM Search & Rescue teams are composed of highly trained and dedicated individuals that volunteer their time and expertise to assist local emergency services and law enforcement in finding lost and missing persons. Since 2016, our teams have been working to reunite the missing persons with their loved ones through land and water rescues. Our teams are based out of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia.

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fear of death, Christian Aid Minstries

(83) FOR-TRUTH is a resource website developed for Billboard Evangelism callers. This website includes free music, articles, and recorded sermons.