Bible Teaching for Millions Around the World

I am really happy that you publish the magazines . . . I am learning more and more about God, God’s love, [and] the Lord Jesus. Thank you for everything!” —Restricted country

Since 1995, CAM’s Christian Family Magazines program has endeavored to minister to people who don’t have sound Christian literature readily available. The Seed of Truth and Antorcha de la Verdad (Torch of Truth) magazines are tools to teach Biblical doctrine and tell the unsaved about salvation in Jesus Christ. The articles are carefully selected from trusted conservative Anabaptist publications who generously allow us to use them.

Christian family magazines provide a wonderful opportunity to give spiritual teaching in various languages to millions of people living in nearly 100 countries. More than 10 million copies are distributed each year, most going to restricted countries. A great number of believers depend heavily on the Christian Family Magazines for their spiritual sustenance since they have almost no other material available.

In Romania, the Seed of Truth has been one of the most widely read Christian magazines for decades. Today it continues to bring solid Biblical teaching to Romanian readers from a wide spectrum of Christian denominations. One family says, “Your magazine is very special in our family; we use it in our evening family devotions, and it is a very good Scriptural support.”

A reader in Poland shared, “My friends believe the Seed of Truth is the best magazine in Poland. It is simple but not simplistic and is a great help for families.” Polish contacts say they really need teaching on nonresistance.

 “In this evil and wicked time,” said a Ukrainian recipient of the Seed of Truth, “this magazine is like beautiful, pure, and tasty water whose stream has flowed to us, the readers, from the temple of the Lord! I and my adult son read it, as they say, from cover to cover. Thank you! Amen!”

This testimony came from the island country of Cuba: “Thank you for the Antorcha de la Verdad (Torch of Truth) which you have graciously been sending me. They have been a great help in my Christian life and for my family as well. I would love to be able to give a contribution to the publication work, but I live in Cuba . . .”

These magazines are especially prized in restricted countries with extremely limited access to Christian literature. One reader from a restricted country shared, “I am grateful for the literature you have been sending me for several years now, as it is such a miracle of God in this complicated world and in this uncertain time. When preparing a sermon, we use your magazines, which contain inspirational articles with a deep knowledge of the Bible, and this helps us.”

Recently, we asked a church leader in a restricted country what his members would do if the Christian family magazines would stop coming. He responded that there would be weeping and deep disappointment. In this specific country, aside from the Bible, if they have one, many believers depend primarily on the magazines for their spiritual food. Since there aren’t enough copies for everyone, they hand-write articles to pass around.

Our 2024 budget for the Christian family magazines program is $3,170,000. As of this date, we still have a sizeable deficit. If you would like to help, your support will be a blessing.

Many thanks to each of you who have helped to make the publication of these Christian family magazines possible! Please pray for the readers and for those involved in producing the magazines. May God be honored and His kingdom built!

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)

If you wish to support the Christian Family Magazine program, click the donate button to give a gift.