Tajikistan, Christian Aid Ministries
These children are excited to have their very own shoes and clothing!

Warm clothing for Tajikistan’s winter

Tajikistan is a small country tucked in Central Asia. This country was ruled by the Soviet Union from the 1920s to 1991 and was one of fifteen republics, including Russia, that made up the Soviet Union.

Clothing Bundle Project at a glance

Clothing is shipped to Tajikistan, Liberia, Belarus, Jordan, Syria, Moldova, Romania, South Sudan, Nicaragua, and other countries.

With funds from supporters, CAM sends over two million pounds of clothing and related items every year.

$69 ships 125 pounds of clothing, footwear, and comforters.

Survival is difficult in many countries that were part of the Soviet Union. In Tajikistan, the average monthly income for many people varies from $20 to $135. Fathers often work in another country because jobs are hard to find in Tajikistan. In many cases, families don’t see them for years.

Tajikistan, Christian Aid Ministries
Many homes in Tajikistan are ill prepared for the coming winter’s cold.

During Tajikistan’s winter, temperatures can drop to zero. Many people cannot afford proper heat or clothing. If they do buy clothing, it is often low quality that doesn’t last long or help protect against the cold.

To help the impoverished people of Tajikistan prepare for the long winter, CAM distributes bundles of good quality clothing. So far this year, we have sent two sea containers of donated clothing to the country. We plan to send one more this year.

This clothing, donated by faithful supporters, helps keep people warm and helps them use their meager income for other needs. Our contact said, “Getting a bag of clothing saves [the recipients’] money for food, school supplies, or medication.”

The clothing from CAM helps people afford nutritious food for their families. Approximately two million people in Tajikistan are undernourished, which is 30 percent of the population. We hope aid from CAM will help keep recipients from joining these statistics.

Thank you, supporters, for enabling people in Tajikistan to experience the warmth of God’s care through a bundle of clothing!