Eggs for Breakfast in Uzbekistan

Several CAM staff members visited Uzbekistan to verify the work being done through our contacts. One morning a family who received chickens through CAM invited them inside for a breakfast of eggs produced by those very chickens.Farm Animals eggs

“For three years, my wife hasn’t had a headache about what to make for breakfast,” Andrei told the CAM staff members as they sat around the table after finishing a delicious breakfast of eggs, bread, meat, and other Uzbek food. “The chickens provide eggs for a long, long time,” he continued. “We eat a lot of eggs.” His brother, who also received chickens, said that his family sometimes eats eggs three meals a day—fried for breakfast, boiled for lunch, and with potatoes for supper.

But the eggs aren’t only for their own use. Andrei explained that they sell eggs to supplement his small income. After about two years, the chickens don’t produce as many eggs, so they butcher the chickens and enjoy the fresh meat. The chicken manure is put to good use as fertilizer for their garden. “It helps our garden a lot,” he said. “We grow a lot of vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes.”Farm Animals chickens

Andrei said, “I am sincerely thankful for the chickens. On my own, I could probably not afford to buy and raise chickens.” Thank you to all who have blessed families like Andrei’s with the gift of animals.

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