A girl from the Turkana tribe in Kenya looks at her 25 Favorite Stories from the Bible book as she walks along.

Bringing Jesus to African Tribes

Every child should know of God’s great love. Every heart should experience the depth of Christ’s mercy. But in all reality, millions of people live and die without ever hearing the life-changing stories from God’s Word.

With the goal of bringing Jesus to remote Kenyan tribes, CAM’s 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible book is being translated into the Samburu, Turkana, and Maasai languages. Those who can read will benefit from the simple stories. For those who can’t read, the beautiful illustrations will speak the story of God’s love and help them remember and retell the stories our staff and contacts share with them. For generations, African tribes have had the custom of sitting around fires and telling stories. We hope the stories from the Bible will be told and retold, proclaiming God’s love and mercy to the hearts of those who hear.

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