A Liberian girl with her nutritional drink mix and medication from the Gifts That Grow program.

Gifting Others with Valuable Aid

Across the United States and Canada, companies and individuals donate millions of dollars worth of medicines, food, nutritional supplements, and other valuable items to CAM each year. The Gifts That Grow program helps pay shipping and procurement fees to get these items to our Pennsylvania warehouse. These items’ value far exceeds the cost of shipping and procurement. For every dollar donated to this program, $150 worth of supplies can be obtained. Some funds are also used to ship the products overseas.
At distributions, our staff and contacts not only provide physical aid but also minister to spiritual needs. The chalky substance you see on this girl’s face is a part of the integration process into a Satanic society. We pray that the light of Jesus could shine through our staff and contacts to penetrate the evil and darkness in the countries where they serve.

If you would like to help support the Gifts That Grow program, click the donate button to give a gift.