A recent development with the Haiti abuse situation is the legal settlement of the civil case against CAM in Petit Goave, Haiti. Christian Aid Ministries and the attorneys of the victims who filed the case came to terms of agreement and have settled the case out-of-court.
In past months, we have continued to respond to the needs of other victims who have come forward. To date, CAM has provided $420,000 to help with housing, funding small business startups, relocation to other places, vocational training, and restitution. Ultimately we are working to ensure that the victims of abuse will receive the help they need to live productive lives. At this time, funds to respond to the abuse situation have been taken from interest money generated from cash reserves and no funds designated for programs have been impacted.
An independent party that committed to provide emotional and spiritual support for victims had been working in-country and made some progress, but months of political unrest as well as recent COVID-19 restrictions have hindered the work. This group also intends to give training to Haitians who in turn can help their own people in dealing with abuse and addictions.
Our prayer continues to be that victims will experience healing and be whole physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
The Board of Directors
Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)
ISSUED: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 2:30 P.M
Update on Haiti abuse case
Thank you for your continued prayers and patience as we work through the difficult situation involving the abuse of minors in Haiti. The Board of Directors and CAM management are taking this issue very seriously and have been meeting frequently to determine the best path forward. We sincerely apologize that this abuse was committed by our employee.
An Anabaptist care group independent of CAM recently traveled to Haiti to research ways they can equip Haitian pastors to minister to victims. We are grateful for those who have made themselves available to meet emotional and spiritual needs. Our desire is for victims to experience healing.
The board has moved to provide appropriate assistance for confirmed victims. We started with reparation agreements with several known victims who had expressed a need of housing, vocational training, etc. We have since moved to a more comprehensive plan that includes a committee in Haiti that carefully considers each case and provides direct help for victims who come forward.
CAM recognizes that effective long-term success in protecting against sexual abuse requires, among other things, continual improvement of the hiring process and supervision of staff. Current efforts are focused on more robust background checks and screening. CAM is also strengthening current whistleblower and accountability programs. To accomplish these goals, CAM will provide updated training to employees on how to take more effective action should they become aware of inappropriate behavior or abuse.
Please continue to pray for the victims and all involved.
The Board of Directors
Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)
ISSUED: Friday, September 20, 2019 at 10:30 A.M
Prayer needs for Haiti situation
Thank you for your prayers, words of advice and correction, and notes of encouragement. We need your prayers! Here are some specific ways you can pray:
• Victims and their families. Sexual abuse leaves victims in a wake of trauma and difficulty. Pray for their healing and restoration.
• CAM Haitian and American staff and other mission staff in Haiti. Both CAM staff and those from other Anabaptist missions face many pressures in relation to this situation. Pray that God will give them strength and grace for today and the days ahead.
• Board of Directors and CAM management: We have been meeting frequently to work through this situation. Pray for us as we make decisions and take action to care for those who have been affected. Much discernment is needed as we review policies and practices, work to heighten staff awareness of abuse, and create better ways for staff members to communicate questions and concerns. We want to continually improve mechanisms to protect children and other vulnerable people.
• Victim care groups: Pray for all those who are seeking to respond to the needs of victims. Independent Anabaptist groups who have experience in dealing with sexual abuse victims are organizing themselves to help victims in Haiti. CAM also needs wisdom in fulfilling its responsibility toward victims.
Thank you for praying.
The Board of Directors
Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)
ISSUED: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7:00 A.M
An Open Letter from the Board of Directors of Christian Aid Ministries Regarding the Case of Jeriah Mast
Thank you to the many believers who are praying and waiting patiently for our team to find its way. This case has strained our human ability to process and comprehend why anyone would harm children and abuse trust. We humbly ask for your continued fervent intercession as we respond.
In light of the magnitude of this case, we are in communication with government officials in law enforcement in the United States to ensure that we do not unintentionally impact any ongoing investigation. We continue to piece together the details of what took place.
It is already well known that our former employee, Jeriah Mast, has confessed to molesting boys while working for our organization in Haiti. It is also well known that he has fled the country of Haiti and is residing in the United States. It is understood that he is wanted in Haiti for his crimes.
The question that many have asked is this: What, if anything, did the board of directors and executive management know about Jeriah prior to his deplorable sexual abuse exposed in May 2019?
1. Is it true that CAM management allowed Jeriah Mast to continue working with CAM after they knew that he had sexually abused minors?
CAM’s Board of Directors was not aware of any sexual conduct between Jeriah and minors until 2019. Paul Weaver and Eli Weaver are two men who have faithfully served the Lord and our ministry for many years in management roles. Unfortunately, they allowed Jeriah to continue to work in the field even after his confession in 2013 of sexual activity with young men that had taken place several years prior. Both men recognize that their failure to properly investigate and inquire into Jeriah’s conduct was a serious failure in judgment and should have severe consequences.
2. Is it true CAM is trying to cover up this case by providing settlements?
The board of directors has not authorized any settlement payments and has no interest in covering this up.
3. In light of the circumstances, what is CAM going to do with respect to Jeriah?
Although CAM no longer has any control over Jeriah, the board believes it would be the right thing for him to appear in Haitian court to answer for his confessed crimes. However, this needs to go through the proper judicial and extradition processes of the United States and Haiti.
4. Will CAM take any personnel action in this case?
CAM is placing Paul Weaver and Eli Weaver on administrative leave pending a full investigation of their role in this matter. The Board and leadership of CAM understand the gravity of the situation and have mutually come to realize it would be difficult to work through this case with their involvement.
5. What is CAM doing to care for the victims?
We are deeply committed to the long-term goal of ensuring the boys Jeriah molested will receive the help and support they need. CAM is still attempting to understand the scope of the tragedy. We realize there are no easy solutions and any steps we take will require extensive preparation. We will be seeking counsel and support from those in Haiti and the larger Anabaptist community.
These are just the first steps in our journey to find God’s direction for this situation.
We close by repeating our request for your prayers, most of all for the victims, and also for us as we agonize over the tough decisions to be made in the coming days.
The Board of Directors
Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)
ISSUED: Monday, June 17, 2019 at 10:45 p.m.
PUBLIC STATEMENT – Haiti Investigation
June 11, 2019
As a supporter and member of our larger community we know that you have questions. This information is provided for your benefit and to help understand our efforts to date:
In response to serious allegations that a former CAM staff member sexually abused minors while serving in Haiti, CAM has initiated an investigation into this conduct. We recognize that any form of abuse of a child is both a horrific sin and a serious crime. We are actively working to investigate and address this situation and to care for those who have been harmed. At CAM, leadership and staff join the larger community in Haiti in their sorrow and concern about what has happened and the human lives impacted.
CAM has and is gathering information about these allegations. CAM can report the following:
- Without CAM’s authorization or prior knowledge, the individual left Haiti and returned to the United States.
- The individual was promptly discharged from CAM.
- We understand that the individual made a confession to leaders in his local church in the U.S. and has reported himself to Ohio state legal authorities.
- CAM’s representatives are still investigating what took place and who was affected.
- CAM’s representatives have already communicated to one U.S. federal government agency about the situation and have been in communication with another federal agency with greater authority to investigate the situation. (Because the individual’s conduct took place in another country, state governmental authorities have limited ability to investigate and respond.)
- CAM has been working inside Haiti to make contact with those who have been affected by the individual’s actions and actively pursuing ways to help them.
As you consider this situation, first, please pray fervently for all those who may have been harmed or otherwise affected by this conduct. Please also pray for CAM and our Haiti staff to walk through this very difficult situation with godly humility and integrity. The exploitation of anyone, especially children, is devastating to the trust in and impact of any ministry or NGO. Moreover, such abuse by one individual damages the reputation and ministry impact of all those who have worked selflessly over many years to help care for the Haitian people and who have not been part of any harmful conduct.
Going forward, CAM will work to keep our community appropriately informed about progress in this case. Because the situation involves ongoing responses by the U.S. federal, state, and Haitian courts and government agencies, CAM is limited in what it can say and do. However, since being made aware of these allegations several weeks ago, CAM has fully cooperated with governmental authorities and has taken appropriate steps to report the matter to federal government agencies, to cooperate with the legal process, and to pursue care for those affected by the individual’s wrongful conduct.
Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)
ISSUED: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 12:25 pm