Eighteen-year-old Daniil greets our contacts with his ever-present smile.

Easing a Blind Mother’s Burden

Daniil has severe cerebral palsy that makes him unable to walk or talk. Despite his limitations, he meets our contacts in Belarus with a beautiful smile when they visit his family.

Daniil’s mother, who is blind, provides total care for Daniil while raising two other children. Though Daniil looks like he is only about 12 years old, his mother said he just had a birthday and turned 18.

With funds from supporters, CAM contacts provided this courageous woman and her children with food and much-needed diapers for Daniil. Daniil’s mother says, “I am very grateful that there are those who can walk with us through our trials.”

Praise the Lord for such an opportunity to show the love and compassion of Christ!

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