Handicapped. Disabled. For thousands around the world, these diagnoses bring humiliation, rejection, and poverty. Many people who suffer from blindness, cerebral palsy, or other disabilities are abandoned by family and shunned by society. They are often left to fend for themselves. Many resort to begging.
Much of the world seems to have forgotten the desperate needs of these precious people, but God has not. With the help of supporters, CAM’s Hope-for-the-Handicapped program seeks to follow Jesus’ example of showing mercy and compassion to these forgotten people.
In the Biblical town of Bethany where Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived, we provide supplies to a home for the handicapped. This facility cares for disabled individuals, some of whom would likely be abandoned otherwise. The local culture tends to hide less than perfect aspects of life, and handicapped family members are often considered a shame to their relatives. Many families bring the handicapped to this facility to remove the shame from their family.
This home for the handicapped is a haven of care for sixty-five physically or mentally disabled individuals. Some residents stay for only a short time, but many remain there until death. Staff members at this facility provide loving care and rehabilitation for the handicapped. This requires time, effort, and funds. The food, hygiene items, cleaning supplies, and adult briefs from caring supporters provide much-needed assistance for this home to continue its work.
Numerous other places around the world benefit from our generous supporters. Thank you for touching the lives of suffering, handicapped people with mercy and compassion.