In a troubled land situated in Asia, Afghanistan struggles to regain its footing. Years of internal conflict and natural disasters have left many people in distress.
Afghanistan’s hard history
In 2021, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. The economy collapsed and basic necessities became unaffordable for millions. Many foreign countries have stopped investing in Afghanistan since the Taliban’s takeover. This leaves people without jobs, even though raw materials are available.
Hamid’s* father died, leaving him the sole provider for his brothers and sisters as well as his own family. Their situation became desperate a year ago when he lost his job. Despite repeated efforts to land any job he could find, he remains without a stable income. “Now we have a difficult time and we don’t have food,” he said. “Our children are sick and I don’t have money for their cure.”
Another situation causing hardship is the return of Afghans who fled to Pakistan. Even some who left Afghanistan 40 years ago have been forced back. This flood of refugees back into this unstable country has caused further unrest and confusion.
Adding to these struggles are the natural disasters Afghanistan has faced in the past several years. Earthquakes, flooding, and harsh winters have ravaged parts of the country.
Desperate measures in Afghanistan
Across the country, thievery and kidnapping are on the rise. In their trouble Afghans have turned to desperate means to stay alive. Some people give away their daughters in marriage, even as young as eight years old. This provides a valuable dowry payment and gives them one less mouth to feed.
Others are selling their kidneys to buy food for their children. Since many people are trading their organs for a bit of income, the price for kidneys has dropped, and even this drastic measure doesn’t bring lasting relief.
Our response in Afghanistan
Through all the heartache, we are working to make a difference for people in this country. One way we are doing this is by helping Afghans start small businesses to become self-supporting. We also work with contacts to distribute food, coats, and blankets.
Your contributions help meet critical needs and share Jesus’ love in one of the world’s most troubled countries. Thank you!
*Name changed to protect identity
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