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More than 380 medical outlets receive donated medicines through the Medicines-for-Multitudes program. These items are a tremendous blessing to the sick and suffering in parts of the world where access to medical supplies and medicine is limited. Because pharmaceutical companies donate the medicines to CAM, we can ship and distribute $20 worth of products for every dollar given to this program. In 2021, we shipped an estimated wholesale value of $43.2 million of medicines, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and medical supplies. Some funds are also used to purchase much-needed medicines we are unable to acquire by donation.
*$1 ships $20 worth of medicines for suffering, impoverished people around the world
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More than 380 medical outlets receive donated medicines through the Medicines-for-Multitudes program. In parts of the world where access to medical supplies and medicine is limited, these items are a tremendous blessing to the sick and suffering.
$0.00 / month
More than 380 medical outlets receive donated medicines through the Medicines-for-Multitudes program. In parts of the world where access to medical supplies and medicine is limited, these items are a tremendous blessing to the sick and suffering.
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