Monthly sponsors, Christian Aid Ministries
A Romanian family digs through an Adopt-A-Family food parcel.

Monthly sponsors

Each month, thousands of people around the globe receive Bibles, food, Biblical teaching, medicine, and other help because of CAM’s faithful monthly sponsors. Our growing list of more than 20,000 monthly sponsorships gives us a very dependable base of support and helps us to more easily plan ahead. As this foundation of support increases, we are able to expand our programs to meet more of the many needs we encounter.

  • A personalized, organized, and effective way to help

  • Connects you personally with the program of your choice

  • Gives dependable support that enables CAM to plan ahead

  • Provides aid, Bibles, disaster relief, and more for struggling people

  • Any of CAM’s 50-plus programs can become your personal monthly sponsorship!