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Gallery: SALT Microfinance
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Jesse standing by her grain grinder.
Mbaruk standing by the compost he made for his garden.
Chapal and his pig
Jihikel (center) helps his family make baskets to sell.
Christina at her store.
A native instructor in Bangladesh.
Salt Meeting
30,780 savings group members and microloan clients benefited from the program. There were 27,038 clients at the end of 2017.
$74.15 was the average accumulated saving per savings group member (January - November)
Over 234,000 hours of Biblical teaching at SALT meetings. We commit the spiritual harvest to God,who has promised that His Word will accomplish its purpose.
The Salt & Light program was launched to provide Bible-based financial teaching here in the US.
Savings group member in Myanmar.
SALT Savings Group
SALT Agri-Plus staff members in Haiti discuss a bean crop with a group of farmers.
Women in Ghana gather corn that has been drying in the sun. This will feed their families until the next harvest.
Christian Aid Ministries SALT Microfinance Solutions
Christian Aid Ministries SALT Microfinance Solutions
SALT savings group member in Tanzania.
Amolika with sheep that her family is raising.
SALT MICROFINANCE SOLUTIONS helps people use their skills and resources to provide for their families.
Monthly Sponsorship
Rohingya Camp
Kalith and Narmeen are pleased with their new business of selling ice cream.
SALT Agri-Plus Program
SALT Agri-Plus Program
SALT Agri-Plus Program
A savings group member with a load of beehives.
A SALT group member hangs a beehive.
SALT Microfinance Solutions
This savings group calls themselves the “Friendship Group.” Their SALT meetings are held at a school that teaches adults who never learned to read or write due to South Sudan’s longstanding war. Some students from the school are part of the group.
Dayaal and Sahni stand in front of the pit where they dig for clay to make bricks. Dayaal is holding the mold they use to shape these bricks.
Edmond from Haiti was once so discouraged with farming that he quit. Then he discovered tips through SALT Agri-Plus that made a huge difference.
Microfinance Solutions
Jacob from Nigeria (left) once thought it would require a huge amount of money to start a business. Through SALT teaching he found out otherwise. Here, a SALT Nigeria staff member is visiting Jacob at his bread and tea business. SALT staff members regularly visit clients to offer encouragement and advice to help them succeed.
“Just as I have been blessed, my vision is to help others in our neighborhood.”
SALT Agri-Plus meeting.
SALT Agri-Plus
SALT savings group in Myanmar
SALT Microfinance Solutions
SALT Microfinance Solutions
SALT members Francis and Grace grow in the Lord
Francis and Grace's children
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Mohsina pours tea for his customers
Aahan, center, with his brother and father in his fruit and vegetable shop.
Mrs. Helen Yakubu (center) and Patience (right) at the vocational school in Nigeria.
Villagers in Ghana disperse grain they stored and saved for “hunger season,” the time of year when many Ghanaians suffer from lack of food.
A young Rohingya boy learns about the value of composting from SALT Agri-Plus workers.
SALT Agri-Plus
Rural mountain farmers struggle to survive on extremely eroded farmland in Haiti.
SALT Agri-Plus
Many Salt members live in this valley
Shayan with his ice cream cart and some pleased customers.
Aurop from Bangladesh earns money doing computer work. This enables his younger sister to attend school.
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Savings group meeting
Garbage collectors
SALT Microfinance Solutions
SALT Microfinance Solutions
A SALT savings group meeting in Namibia.
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Salt Microfinance Solutions
Charan and his family mix mud to make bricks.
Aahan, center, with his brother and father in his fruit and vegetable shop.
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Agri-Plus group meets for teaching
SALT Agri-Plus
Ukrainian Savings group member in his pig barn
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Savings group in Tanzania
SALT savings groups
Srey La displays her products to sell.
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Srey La and her fellow group members enjoy a time of learning together.
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Geline butchers a goat at her meat store.
SALT Microfinance Solutions
Tamila works with her father in their family baking business.
Paul’s raspberry crop flourished last year in Ukraine.
SALT member in Ukraine has a woodworking shop
Myia feeding their chickens.