Jesse standing by her grain grinder.

Business Expands Through SALT Savings Group

Jesse from Nigeria stood at her small market stand, thinking about her future. Would she be able to sell enough grain to help provide for their family? Their house needed improvements to accommodate their growing family of eight children. But where would the funds come from for the construction?

In 2021, Jesse learned the exciting news that a SALT Savings Group would start in their community. Was this the answer to her problems? In anticipation, Jesse and 39 local community members joined to form this new savings group. By the end of the first year, the group had collectively saved over $5,800.

Jesse borrowed money from the group’s savings to buy a grain grinder. Now, in addition to selling corn, she grinds flour for her customers. She testified that her sales have doubled. “I used to buy ten bags of corn each week to resell, but now I buy twenty bags.”

Jesse learned how to track her business income and expenses and keep a budget through the savings group teachings. The SALT meetings provided more than just teaching on how to save money. Jesse also learned the importance of having good relationships with her customers. When a customer comes to have flour ground, she serves them right away.

Jesse and her husband planned their 2024 budget together. They are confident they can complete their home improvement project with their savings.

Not only has the SALT program helped Jesse manage her business and finances, but it has also positively impacted her and her family spiritually. Jesse expressed God’s blessing in this way, “The coming of the SALT program . . . attracts the blessing of God in my life.”

May God receive the glory for what He is doing for Jesse’s family and others throughout Nigeria.

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