The COVID-19 pandemic has affected most countries where there are SALT operations. Groups in some locations are able to meet, but have many precautions in place, such as meeting outside, staying six feet apart, staggering the arrival times, and wearing masks. Many of our national staff members found ways to seize opportunities that didn’t exist before.
Here are some of the ways SALT staff are using this time:
Since the government of Nigeria required the use of masks, SALT staff there asked a local business to make masks with the SALT logo printed on them. This presents an opportunity to provide teaching on respect for government.
Since groups cannot meet in some places, SALT staff members are using this time to make personal one-on-one visits.
Some staff members are using this time to write lessons for the SALT manuals, while others are furthering their own training by reading leadership books and studying the Sermon on the Mount.
Some locations are using the opportunity to teach about personal hygiene and ways to prevent disease.
Overall our national staff members have seized the moment and gone beyond the call of duty to make the best use of time during the lockdown. Pray for them as they reach out during these unusual times.
Ukrainian booklet to encourage savings group members
Several national SALT managers in Ukraine wrote a 21-page document entitled A Christian Response to a Crisis Financial Setback. They used Scripture and made practical applications of how to handle times of financial crises. Following is a report from Sasha, a national SALT manager in Ukraine.
SALT Ukraine is working even during the quarantine. Due to COVID-19, savings groups could not gather in large groups and had to take a break for two months. It was hard on many SALT clients. The SALT office in Ukraine and managers on the field decided to help people during this difficult time by inspiring them to continue following SALT principles such as savings, keeping records, tracking expenses, and being faithful to their budget.
SALT managers in Ukraine prayed about ways to reach those who suddenly had to be isolated from each other. God laid on their hearts to write a small book to remind the SALT groups that God is in control of all things. In good years we should be preparing for difficult times. In difficult times we need to be planning, looking for opportunities, and tracking expenses to provide for our families. The book also reminded SALT members to see the needs of those around them.