Aahan* and his wife Bhavna operated a small roadside store in a restricted country. When a SALT Savings Group started in their village, Aahan’s wife and parents joined. Aahan is not a member of the savings group, but the teaching his wife and parents received at the weekly savings group meetings encouraged Aahan and Bhavna to expand a business.
Bhavna, along with Aahan’s parents, withdrew loans to improve their business. With these loans, Aahan and Bhavna expanded their small stand by purchasing more equipment and offering additional products such as fruit and vegetables.
Aahan appreciates the teaching presented at SALT meetings. He is thinking about joining Bhavna in the savings group. Please pray that the Biblical instruction received at each meeting would impact Aahan, Bhavna, and many other SALT members across the world.
*Names changed to protect identity.