A Learning Experience for Children in South Sudan

The sun beats down as we walk toward the thatched-roof church in the distance where a local school is held. You’ve been in the sun for only a few minutes, and sweat prickles at your skin. As you get to the school, you duck under the edge of the thatch as you step inside.


Instead of seeing carpeted or tiled floors or desks for each student, you see dirt floors and hardened mud benches for the children to sit on. In front of the classroom, you can see a small chalkboard where the teacher explains the lessons to the children.


Paulo comes from a cattle farming family. He says, “I was studying when I was very young, but my father took me out of school to look after the families’ cattle. My father said education has no benefit to us and it’s better for me to help in the field. When my mother heard about this free school, she decided to register me. I am so happy to be in this school because my teacher said, ‘If you study, you can have a better future.’ ”

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