In 2000, Henderika’s husband passed away after a long battle with poor health. Henderika and others did all they could for him before he passed away. Relatives and friends gave a gift of money to help pay the hospital visits and medication, but their generous gifts fell short of the large expenses. Henderika finally sold their property so they would have enough funds to cover the medical bills. Despite all this effort and care, her husband’s life slipped away.
Left alone to care for her ten children, Henderika had little money to provide for them. She had sold most of her possessions to pay the medical expenses. Her children were forced to drop out of school because there was no way to pay for their education.
Apart from the death of her husband and her struggle to survive, Henderika grieved the loss of four of her children who passed away. Two of them died before they turned fifteen. Two others died as adults.
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27
One of Henderika’s daughters left behind two children who also have no father to care for them. These children were left in Henderika’s care. She started growing pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables for food and sold the extra for a little money. It helped, but was still not enough.
When CAM first gave Henderika a Support-A-Widow food parcel several years ago, she considered it a miracle. She was grateful for the oil, flour, and other items in the parcel that she couldn’t produce in her garden. With a gift of $10 USD that comes with every parcel, Henderika expanded her farming business. She rented more land to plant crops and to introduce new seeds. She also repaired the bicycle she uses to ride to the farm.
Henderika is generous with what she has and doesn’t keep the blessings for herself. She has multiplied a gift from the Support-A-Widow program by giving to others. With the vegetables she grows on her farm, she is able to help some of her daughters who are widowed. At a conference last year, Henderika even blessed other widows with food.
Thank you, supporters, for providing aid for widows like Henderika, who in turn bless others. Pray for them as they press on in their difficult circumstances.