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Your donations will help provide food and household basics to people inside Ukraine and refugees in surrounding countries.
Medical supplies are scarce and expensive in some areas of Ukraine. CAM is providing medicines and medical supplies for needy Ukrainians.
Gunfire and shelling have damaged many houses in the conflict areas. Some are completely destroyed. Your generous donations help provide funds to repair or rebuild houses.
CAM seeks to spread the Word of God at a time when people are searching for hope. The Ukraine conflict is another opportunity to spread the Gospel.
My daughter and I spent a whole month hiding in our cellar. Whenever we thought it was safe enough to come out the bombing would start again. We got so cold in the cellar. Yesterday we were able to get a ride out of the city. - A Ukrainian refugee
The ravaging war that engulfed Ukraine in 2022 still simmers in the country. Thousands of people lost their lives to the brutal conflict, and millions of survivors now face shortages of food, water, medicines, and other necessities.
CAM staff members and contacts reach out to suffering Ukrainians with food, medicines, comforters, hygiene kits, and other supplies. During most distributions, Christian literature is offered to point distraught Ukrainians to the Prince of Peace.
Your gift assists Ukrainians with food, medicines, rebuilding materials, and other items. It also encourages people with Christian literature during distressing times.
The Ukraine war crisis brought fear, uncertainty, displacement, and suffering to many innocent people. CAM is providing medical assistance, food, Christian literature, and other help for displaced people and other Ukrainians affected by the war.
$0.00 / month
The Ukraine war crisis brought fear, uncertainty, displacement, and suffering to many innocent people. CAM is providing medical assistance, food, Christian literature, and other help for displaced people and other Ukrainians affected by the war.
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