Struggling Nicaraguans

The Gift of Food for Struggling Nicaraguans

Alejandro and his family are some of many struggling Nicaraguans who find it difficult to make ends meet. But they remain positive and take good care of what they have. When staff members deliver their monthly food parcel, they note how tidy their one-room tin house is kept. The dirt floor is swept, and clean laundry dries on a string stretched across the room.

To put food on the table, Alejandro tries to find small jobs as he can. With permission, he recently started “gleaning” peanuts from his neighbor’s field after those harvesting the crop were finished. So far, he has sold 16 pounds of peanuts at 30 cents per pound. Occasionally, Alejandro also works for farmers, and his wife makes tortillas to sell.

Struggling Nicaraguans
Alejandro and his family.

And Jesus said unto them,I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me


and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35

Several months ago during the unrest in Nicaragua, CAM was unable to deliver food parcels, and Alejandro and his family couldn’t travel to the market. Recently, after receiving a food parcel again, Alejandro’s wife commented that she was happy to again have oil to use when cooking rice and beans. She is also glad to have a bit of sugar for their coffee. Alejandro’s youngest son is pleased to have the Reapers of Hope vegetable soup mix from the parcel to eat with rice. It’s his favorite dish!

With rice being the main portion of each meal, the family consumes about 20 pounds of rice per week. That means they eat all the rice in the food parcel long before the month is over. When the rice is gone, they use their minimal amount of money to buy more. But this involves walking an hour to the main road to catch the bus to the market.

Alejandro and his family are always grateful when the next food parcel arrives. Perhaps the care of others through the gift of a food parcel is what keeps this family pressing on despite their difficult circumstances. The family expresses their deep appreciation for the food!