Yemeni mother
These Yemeni children happily pose with their food.

Grateful tears from a Yemeni mother

Amira’s* husband left her alone with their children to marry another woman. This left Amira as the sole breadwinner for her family.

When Amira’s husband suffered kidney failure, his second wife left him. Amira took her husband back into her home to care for him.

Then Yemen’s civil war erupted. Amira and her family fled their home for a different city. Life was hard, and they struggled to find enough food to feed their children.

Amira’s family was thrilled to receive a food parcel from CAM contacts in Yemen. The family hadn’t expected to receive so many good quality items! Amira cried tears of gratitude for the love and care shown to her and to her family.

If you would like to help feed hungry Yemeni families like Amira’s, please click below.

*Name changed to protect identity