Armed groups setting fire to homes as people sleep. Shots fired at innocent men, women, and children as they flee for their lives. Violent killings. These are the awful scenes stamped in the minds of multitudes of people in Myanmar.
Innocent civilians find themselves caught in the crossfire as armed groups fight for control. Thousands have died. Hundreds of thousands have fled the bloodshed in their communities to jungles and other remote hiding places. Make-shift structures, with only leaves or tarps for roofs, have become home to throngs of refugees. An estimated 2.6 million people are internally displaced in Myanmar, most of them surviving in terrible conditions.
More than 75 years of war
Myanmar consists of different states inhabited by powerful ethnic groups. Its people have experienced the longest ongoing civil war in history, starting in 1948. Since October, new fighting has erupted in multiple places across the region, largely with rebel groups fighting Myanmar’s armed forces. Burned, bombed, and abandoned villages have become a common sight in various parts of the country.
Stories of heartache
Boylan* is a farmer who once owned a portion of land that was home for him, his wife, and two children. Twelve years ago, the military came in and took over his farm and the surrounding area. Even though Boylan was able to buy his farm back during a relatively peaceful period between 2016 and 2021, the fighting broke out in their town again and they were forced to leave. Boylan went back to the house to quickly retrieve a few essentials, but some soldiers captured him and threatened to kill him. After beating him, they released him and told him to never come back! Now the family lives in a bamboo hut and Boylan works as a hired hand on a farm. Boylan says he serves a living God, and is thankful that he and his family are still alive and have food to eat. But it’s hard as he reflects on the life he once had.
A doctor who lives in the jungle with many others told our staff member, “A year ago I had a good job in the village. Now I have to watch people suffer because there isn’t proper medical care.” She requests, “Can you please provide us with medicine and medical supplies so I can help the people with medical needs?”
How can we help?
The biggest cry we hear right now is for food. The people say, “If we can just have rice, we can survive.” In response to the crisis, CAM is working to purchase rice, medical supplies, tarps, and vegetable seeds for affected families inside Myanmar and the refugees in the bordering country of Thailand. CAM staff members in Thailand are working with contacts to implement the projects. We plan to distribute Bible story books and preach the Gospel along with the physical aid.
These distributions provide a special opportunity to encourage Christians and bring the Gospel message to those who have not heard about Jesus Christ. We want to give you, our supporters, the opportunity to join in our efforts. CAM has a 2024 budget goal of $400,000 for the Myanmar crisis, but much more could be used. If you wish to help, your support will be a blessing.
If you wish to help with food, medical supplies, tarps, and seeds for people suffering from the conflict in Myanmar, click the donate button to give a gift.