Eighty-three-year-old Janice* was raised in a Christian home and went to church all her life. Because of her background, she thought she was probably right with God. But when Janice saw the CAM billboard message, If you die tonight, heaven or hell, she was convicted and called the toll-free number.
Our phone team member asked her, “Have you ever been born again? Have you ever heard the words of Jesus where He says, ‘You must be born again?’ ”
“No, I’ve never heard that,” Janice replied.
The team member then explained God’s plan of salvation to Janice. He spoke to her about repenting of her sins, having faith in Jesus, and being baptized.
Janice had never heard this explained before and asked, “What do I need to do?”
The team member told Janice she could pray to God about what she had just learned. “You can do it alone, but I’d be happy to pray with you if you’d like,” he said.
Janice readily chose to pray while on the phone. “I’m a sinner,” she prayed. “And you, God, know all my sins, and I want to turn away from them and have you forgive me for them, and put my trust in you. And thank you, Lord, for showing me this billboard a month ago. Thank you for motivating me to write down this number. I just give my life and my sins and everything to you.”
Pray for Janice as she lives out the commitment she made to Christ. Pray for wisdom for our phone team members as they share the teachings of Jesus with hundreds of seekers every week.
*Name changed to protect identity.