A personalized, organized way to help every month
Dependable support that enables CAM to plan ahead
Aid, Bibles, disaster relief, and more for struggling people
Any of CAM’s 40+ programs can become your personal monthly sponsorship!
Our growing list of nearly 20,000 monthly sponsorships enables us to respond to more needs around the world, gives us a very dependable base of support, and helps us to more easily plan ahead. If you wish to start a monthly sponsorship, see the enclosed sponsorship sheet to choose your program or visit christianaidministries.org. You can discontinue your sponsorship at any time.
A few of CAM’s 40+ monthly sponsorships
While Christians in the United States have easy access to the Holy Bible, countless believers around the world wait years, or even a lifetime, for their own copy of God’s Word. Through Bibles-for-the-World, CAM provides free Bibles to millions of people who are unable to obtain their own. To spread the words of truth, we also use the avenues of Bible story books, inspirational books, and Bible correspondence courses.
Clothing Bundle Project
CAM’s Clothing Bundle Project sends quality used clothing to needy families in Romania, Ukraine, Tajikistan, and other countries. Warm clothes are often unaffordable for poverty stricken families in cold climate countries. Every gift of $69 processes, ships, and distributes approximately 125 pounds of donated clothing, footwear, and comforters.
Many pastors, teachers, and other church leaders receive teaching at CAM’s Biblical Discipleship Center in Titanyen, Haiti. The program provides three-week teaching sessions for pastors from all over Haiti. There is a long waiting list of men who want to attend. This program is in great demand and is now expanding into Liberia and Nicaragua.
Needy widows, widowers, and abandoned wives are some of the most vulnerable people in economically depressed areas. A monthly donation of $59 provides them with a 35-pound parcel of food, healthcare items, and $10 cash (or its equivalent in food items).