Mbaruk* once owned a farm in Myanmar that was home to him, his wife, and their five children. He fertilized the land with cow manure to make the soil rich and fertile. His crops flourished under his skilled nurturing.
About five years ago, the escalating violence across Myanmar forced Mbaruk and his family to flee. They arrived at a Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh with few belongings and no place to call home. Mbaruk had little hope of providing for his family with the hard soil and dismal surroundings.
Mbaruk joined the SALT Agri-Plus meetings in his area. They taught him to use the resources available to make compost with grass and leaves. After collecting grass and leaves and composting them in a large hole for four to five months, he spread them on the small plot of land around his shelter. This green fertilizer made the soil soft and healthy. Now Mbaruk is able to better provide for his family, growing a variety of vegetables on the land he once thought was worthless. He says he wants to someday teach his children the methods he learned from SALT Agri-Plus.
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