The economic crisis in Venezuela has left multitudes scavenging for a living. And the situation continues to get worse. Around four million Venezuelans have left their homeland, migrating into surrounding countries as if they were fleeing from war.
A CAM-supported soup kitchen in Colombia offers hot meals to Venezuelan refugees five days each week. Some days the volunteers serve 700 to 1,000 people. Before receiving their meal, refugees sit in groups to hear a short Gospel message. As they leave the kitchen, they often help themselves to free New Testaments and Gospel literature. Many refugees who eat in the kitchen are traveling on foot, taking just a few personal items with them.
In addition to ministering to refugees through the soup kitchen, CAM is providing large amounts of Christian literature inside Venezuela. “This literature was an answer from God for our prayers. We bless you for this great work in the distribution of the Word of God,” one pastor shared.
Many Venezuelans are sensing their need of God during this difficult time. Several churches voiced their appreciation to our contacts for the godly literature they received and how it helps them as they reach out to new seekers.
Please pray that God’s Word would be multiplied in the lives of Venezuelans during this economic crisis.
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