Pedro talking with one of the Christian workers.

Finding God at the U.S. border

Pedro* felt like someone had just pierced his heart. The train that carried his daughter and her two children was leaving without him. Would he ever see them again? After leaving economically-collapsed Venezuela, Pedro had moved around South America before trying to come to the United States. He knew the fear of crossing the Darién gap and avoiding border immigration by sneaking across borders. He knew the disappointment of not being able to meet with U.S. immigration officers because he didn’t have the right credentials. But losing the ones he loved best and knowing he may never see them again was almost more than he could bear.

Fortunately, Pedro’s story does not end here. He made it to a migrant camp in Mexico near the U.S. border and has been living there for three and a half months. Pedro is attending various services held by pastors in the camp. He has made a deeper commitment to Christ and is hoping to be baptized soon.

Many people experience situations similar to Pedro’s. They lose possessions and loved ones in their desperate attempt for a better life. CAM’s U.S. Migrant Ministry works with another organization to provide Bibles, Christian literature, food, and other help to migrants at the U.S./Mexico border. Please pray that lives could be touched and that many would be drawn to the One who offers true freedom.

To help support the U.S. Migrant Ministry program, please click the button below to give a gift.