Warm a family 8


Many families in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, and other cold-climate countries dread the winter months. They often struggle just to pay for food and other essentials, so adding the expense of heating their homes overwhelms many families. Some people heat one room of their house and bundle up in layers of clothing to try and save money on fuel or wood.

Supporters’ gifts enable CAM to provide firewood, woodstoves, and other heating assistance for struggling people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This aid goes to needy families, widows, and elderly people who lack funds to heat their homes.

Your donation helps struggling families heat their homes with firewood, woodstoves, and other heating methods.

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One-Time Gift

Warm-A-Family – One-Time


Needy people in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and other cold-climate countries struggle to pay their heating bills or buy fuel to heat their houses during the cold winter months. The Warm-A-Family program helps by providing stoves and/or funds to buy firewood and pay heating bills. This assistance goes to needy families, widows, and elderly people who lack funds to heat their homes.

Grand total

SKU: WAF Categories: ,

Monthly Gift

Warm-A-Family – Monthly

$0.00 / month

Needy people in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and other cold-climate countries struggle to pay their heating bills or buy fuel to heat their houses during the cold winter months. The Warm-A-Family program helps by providing stoves and/or funds to buy firewood and pay heating bills. This assistance goes to needy families, widows, and elderly people who lack funds to heat their homes.


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Choose Frequency

One-time, Recurring