Many of us who open a faucet in our home and receive a clear, cold gush of clean water any hour of the day can hardly grasp how precious water is in many parts of the world.
Nyambestown, a village deep in Liberia’s interior, is home to approximately 100 people. Water sources are scarce in remote Liberia. Residents of Nyambestown received their water from a muddy, murky creek some distance from the village. People bathed in this water, and women carried home the same water to cook their food.
Funds from CAM’s Water-for-the-World program recently provided a well for the people of Nyambestown. The villagers worked hard to dig the well by hand. Bucket by bucket, they performed the difficult, dirty job. Then the well was encased and a pump installed.
Clean water is an enormous blessing for villages like Nyambestown. One of the greatest benefits is an almost immediate decrease in water-related diseases like typhoid. In some cases, especially among children, clean water is life-saving.
Our Water-for-the-World budget goal this year is $900,000. In our efforts to provide safe water across the globe, our utmost goal is that people learn to know the source of living water Jesus introduced, “a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”