with Jesus, Christian Aid Ministries

A widow’s new strength—Jesus 

Darika* grew up in an impoverished Indian family and was forced to marry at a young age. Then her husband died. In a country where widows are despised, she faced severe poverty. On top of her struggles, she became seriously ill.  

 One afternoon, two believers came to Darika’s home. Near despair, she told them, “I have lost my hope and have started counting my days on earth.” 

 “Make your heart strong,” one of the believers encouraged. “Nothing is impossible with Jesus.” They  prayed for her and invited her to church. 

 As days passed and Darika pondered these words, she believed in Jesus and chose to follow Him. Her  poor health also began to improve. 

 Darika was overjoyed to receive a piglet from believers who saw her struggle in poverty. This gift was an answer to her prayers! Darika made plans to raise the pig and sell it so she could then buy more pigs to boost her income. She thanks God for His work in her life. 

 *Name is changed to protect identity.

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