Haitian men work on improving a road.

Hope Through Work in Haiti

Jeannette bent to the task, thankful for the opportunity to have a job to earn some income. Only two weeks before she had been unsure where her parents and younger siblings would get their food since she couldn’t find a job. After joining Work-for-Wages, she helped with a work project in her community, where she received wages after working two weeks. The team leader was kind, and she found the daily devotionals encouraging. With the income Jeannette earned she was able to buy a goat and some food for her family.

Haiti’s political unrest continues to drag on. The cost of living is high and jobs are scarce. Work-for-Wages hires men and women to repair and build roads, help with water projects, and assist with other development projects that benefit their communities. The money they earn enables them to pay for food, schooling, or medical help for themselves and their families. Thank you, supporters, for enabling this work. Please keep praying for the people of Haiti.

To help support the Work-for-Wages program, please click the button below to give a gift.