A food recipient in Yemen.

Filling a Mother’s Empty Hands

“I have nothing but sorrows, tears, and hunger,” Sidra* lamented. This widow is alone to feed, clothe, and house her seven young children. Her brother Nadeem used to help as he could, but now he too is gone, tragically killed in Yemen’s cruel civil war.

“We receive a piece of bread from our neighbors,” Sidra continued, “but it is not enough to silence the hunger. I wished death upon the whole family when I saw them hungry and sleeping without food. We used to pray to God to end our painful life, until the car of [CAM contacts] arrived in front of our house, and one of the distributors called out, ‘Come and take the food and hygiene aid.’ I was filled with indescribable joy.”

This aid hasn’t solved all of Sidra’s problems; life is still hard. But now her family has a measure of hope and dignity, and her children have a reason to smile. When Sidra’s neighbors noticed these changes, they came to visit and were amazed at her kitchen stocked with rice, oil, and other items. Sidra exclaimed, “Glory to God, how He changed our worries and relieved our distress.”

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