Animals: Gifts that Keep Giving

Alisher and Oksana wished they could expand their small farm to better provide for their family of ten children. In Uzbekistan, large families like theirs deal with few available jobs and high living expenses. Alisher and Oksana raised a few goats and were interested in farming, but they couldn’t afford to buy more animals.

Thanks to your generous support last year, Alisher and Oksana were able to purchase a bull and some broilers and feed. These animals provide opportunities for their family to work together and give their children a greater sense of responsibility. The children are motivated to get out of bed in the morning to give their animals food and water on time.

“Please accept our heartfelt gratitude from our entire family for your help, care, support, and most of all for your sacrifice for the Lord,” Alisher and Oksana said. “May God bless you and reward you for your generosity.”

Families like Alisher’s in Uzbekistan, Moldova, and other countries are facing dramatically rising food prices, brought on by weak economies and the war in Ukraine. Although a gift of food is always appreciated, our brothers and sisters in Central Asia and Eastern Europe are overjoyed to receive animals that can provide milk, meat, or eggs for a much longer time. The gift of a flock of chickens, a cow, beehives, or other animals allows parents to work alongside their children to support themselves. And when the animals produce young, the gift is extended yet again!

Would you like to help needy families in countries like Kazakhstan or Nicaragua with the gift of chickens, cows, goats, bees, pigs, or other animals? Click the donate button to give a gift.