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Syria has been embroiled in power struggles for years, but December 8 brought shocking news from Syria’s capital city Damascus: The country’s government had been overthrown.
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Learn how you can make a difference for suffering people in Afghanistan, abandoned children in Asia, school children in Egypt, disaster survivors in the U.S., and much more.
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Rampant inflation, COVID-19 economic fallout, conflict, and other factors have dramatically increased the world hunger problem in recent years. In a 2021 report, the United Nations reported that more than 155 million people across the globe face severe food insecurity, a significant increase from the previous year.
Our Disaster Response Services (DRS) program provides relief in the wake of disasters in the United States. These projects provide opportunities for our staff and volunteers to build relationships and minister the love and comfort of Jesus in a time of loss.
Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe more than 30 years ago, but its effects can still be seen today. The cost of living continues to rise in spite of low incomes and families wonder how they will survive. For the poorest of families in Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine, food parcels bring a ray of hope.
From Christians living under oppressive governments, to elderly people in European villages, from tribal groups in Africa, to schoolchildren in South America—God’s Word is inspiring, challenging, and changing lives. The demand for Bibles is nearly unending. Our desire is to place God’s Word into as many hands as possible.
More than 380 medical outlets receive donated medicines through the Medicines for Multitudes program. In parts of the world where access to medical supplies and medicine is limited, these items are a tremendous blessing to the sick and suffering.
The SALT program reaches out to people in material poverty. Using Christ-centered teaching, our goal is to walk alongside SALT members, helping them use the resources God has placed in their care without depending on others. SALT members receive regular teaching on the importance of following Jesus in everyday life.
In many parts of the world, the average household does not have water flowing freely from a spigot. CAM supplies funds to provide wells, cisterns, water filters, water tanks, and irrigation systems for people in Malawi, Kenya, Haiti, Liberia, Cambodia, Gaza, and other parts of the world.
Many elderly people in Romania, Liberia, Haiti, and other impoverished countries have no one to care for them. Some beg on the streets or try to sell a little something for income. Thanks to the Help for the Elderly supporters, 18,148 food parcels were provided to needy elderly people in 2022.
Needy people in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, and other cold-climate countries struggle to pay their heating bills or buy heating fuel to heat their houses during the cold winter months. The Warm-A-Family program helps by providing stoves and/or funds to buy firewood and pay heating bills.
Many Americans call themselves Christians but do not follow Biblical principles. Others refuse to acknowledge that God exists. To remind people of God and His truth, CAM has posted more than 1,000 Gospel messages across the United States.
Each day an average of 136 people go missing in the United States. Many places lack the expertise and equipment to locate missing persons. To help families of missing persons find closure and healing, CAM has launched Search & Rescue as an arm of Rapid Response Services.
CAM strives to be a trustworthy and efficient channel for Amish, Mennonite, and other conservative Anabaptist groups and individuals to minister to physical and spiritual needs around the world. This is in response to the command, “. . . do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10).
Our most popular fund is Where Needed Most. Many supporters don’t have a preference which program to support or don’t know which one to choose, so they allow CAM to decide. This fund gives us a lot of flexibility to cover deficits in other programs that don’t receive sufficient funding.
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Our most popular fund is Where Needed Most. Many supporters don’t have a preference which program to support or don’t know which one to choose, so they allow CAM to decide. This fund gives us a lot of flexibility to cover deficits in other programs that don’t receive sufficient funding.
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