World Hunger Fund

World hunger statistics continue to rise. The desperate need for food is driven by rampant inflation, wars in numerous countries, drought in various places around the world, and other causes. Millions of people face food shortages and are confronted each day with the reality that they may not have sufficient resources to feed their families.

Supporters’ funds enable our staff and contacts to respond to pressing food needs around the world. They distribute food to the impoverished in India, Kenya, former Soviet countries, and other places in desperate need of nourishment.


Global food crisis, Christian Aid Ministries
Died of hunger related causes since the beginning of 2022.
0 Million
School-age children attend classes hungry across the world.
0 Million
US Mexico Border Crisis 1
Children in developing countries who are poorly nourished suffer up to 160 days of illness each year.
0 Days
World Hunger Fund India

Why is world hunger increasing?

The long-term fallout of COVID-19 crippled economies in many parts of the world. The New Humanitarian reports, “COVID-19, with its lockdowns and layoffs, increased the rate of extreme poverty—those surviving on less than $1.90 a day—by an estimated 97 million people.”

The recent war between Russia and Ukraine is increasing the cost of food. These two countries are some of the world’s top producers of wheat. Grain prices are soaring! “The bullets and bombs in Ukraine could take the global hunger crisis to levels beyond anything we’ve seen before,” says David Beasley of the United Nations.

High inflation around the world is increasing food costs. For the poor, most of their income goes toward providing a most basic life necessity—food. In some countries, basic food items have doubled in price! While we may need to make minor adjustments in our food budgets due to inflation, many people will simply go hungry and some may even starve.

Widow with CAM food box


Join us in praying for hungry people across the globe. Pray for the many children who go to bed hungry every night.

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CAM provides food parcels, staple foods, and food producing resources to people in various countries.

FSFB Nicaragua twins


Where possible, CAM includes Bibles, bible story books, and other Christian literature with the food distributions.

“We ran out of money a long time ago, and yesterday we ran out of supplies. Today we did not eat anything and we did not know how to continue to live. God must have sent you.” - A food recipient Kyrgyzstan

Help feed the hungry

By donating to the World Hunger Fund, you help provide much-needed food for impoverished, hungry people worldwide.

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World Hunger Fund – One-Time


Rampant inflation, COVID-19 economic fallout, conflict, and other factors have dramatically increased the world hunger problem in recent years. In a 2021 report, the United Nations reported that more than 155 million people across the globe face severe food insecurity, a significant increase from the previous year. Millions face each day wondering how they will feed themselves and their children. The World Hunger Fund enables CAM to respond to food-related requests from around the world. Funds help provide food and food-producing resources for desperately poor families in India, suffering people in war-torn Yemen, struggling families in former Soviet countries, and others without sufficient food.

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Monthly Gift

World Hunger Fund – Monthly

$0.00 / month

Rampant inflation, COVID-19 economic fallout, conflict, and other factors have dramatically increased the world hunger problem in recent years. In a 2021 report, the United Nations reported that more than 155 million people across the globe face severe food insecurity, a significant increase from the previous year. Millions face each day wondering how they will feed themselves and their children. The World Hunger Fund enables CAM to respond to food-related requests from around the world. Funds help provide food and food-producing resources for desperately poor families in India, suffering people in war-torn Yemen, struggling families in former Soviet countries, and others without sufficient food.


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