Projects You Can Do

People in poverty-stricken countries often struggle to find money for soap, shampoo, sleepers, notebooks, and pencils. Kits with these basic necessities are treasures for people in refugee camps, schools, and needy places around the world.

CAM can use thousands of hygiene kits, school kits, layette bundles, and other kits to distribute in places like Romania, Liberia, Malawi, and the Middle East. If you would like to assemble kits to bless needy families and individuals, call our Berlin office at 330.893.2428 for a complete list and related instructions for each kit. Funds are needed to ship donated kits overseas, and this program covers those costs. 

A donation of $2.50 covers the cost of shipping one kit overseas. Some funds may be used to purchase supplies in foreign countries to assemble custom kits for that location.

Layette bundle Kenya

Children’s Care Pack

ALL ITEMS MUST BE NEW! (due to customs requirements)

Thousands of refugee children have been traumatized by war. A pack of meaningful items shows care and concern for them. These packs will be distributed to refugee children and other needy children in the Middle East..

Pack 1
Children (ages 1-4)
1 box of 24 crayons
1 notepad (approx. 5 x 7 in.)
1 pack stickers (farm or zoo animals)
1 teddy bear (approx. 6-10 in. tall. Please do not send animals other than bears. Also do not send teddy bears with batteries.)

Pack 2
Girls  (ages 5-12)
1 notepad (approx. 5 x 7 in.)
1 pencil
1 pen
1 jump rope
1 pair of socks (colorful and warm)
1 hairbrush

Pack 3
Boys (ages 5-12)
1 notepad (approx. 5 x 7 in.)
1 pencil
1 pen
3 tennis balls (no sponge balls)
1 comb
1 matchbox-size car or truck

Please avoid:
•Stickers and teddy bears that look strange or unrealistic.
•Items with TV, occult, military, sports, and cartoon characters
•Notebooks, teddy bears, or other items with Scripture verses or religious symbols. While we want to promote God’s Word, these packs are sometimes distributed in security-sensitive locations.

INSTRUCTIONS: On all the items listed above, please avoid items with TV, occult, sports, and cartoon characters. These items will not be shipped. Please include only the items listed. Package the items into a Ziploc or similar-style gallon freezer bag. Write the pack name (1, 2, or 3) on the bag. Deliver your packs to any CAM location or ship them to our Ephrata, PA, warehouse: Christian Aid Ministries, 2412 Division Hwy., Ephrata, PA 17522. If you wish to help with the cost of shipping your Children’s Care Packs overseas, your gift of $2.50 per pack can be sent to our Berlin home office (see p. 2 for address). Whenever possible, we will include a copy of CAM’s Favorite Stories from the Bible in the appropriate language for where the package will be going.

Thank you!

Hygiene kits Syria

Hygiene Kits

All items must be new! (due to customs requirements)

The kits will be shipped by sea container to Syria, Liberia, Nicaragua, Haiti, and other countries.

  • 1 bar of soap*
  • 1 tube toothpaste*
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 2 washcloths
  • 1 dark-colored bath towel (light towels get dirty during shipping and distribution)
  • 1 bottle of shampoo* (place in a Ziploc bag to prevent leakage)
  • 1 bottle deodorant* (roll-on or stick, no aerosol spray)
  • 1 comb
  • 1 nail clipper with file
  • 1 large handkerchief

*Please check expiration date; items must not expire for 18 months.

Wrap all items listed above into the bath towel and fasten firmly with safety pins, or put items in a drawstring bag and pull strings tightly to prevent items from falling out.

The kits will be shipped by sea container to Syria, Yemen, Liberia, Nicaragua, and other countries.

Hygiene kit 1

IMPORTANT shipping information below.

Liberia layette bundle

Layette Bundles

All items must be new! (due to customs requirements)

Items to include:

  • 1 receiving blanket (minimum size: 30” x 30”)
  • 1 heavier blanket (minimum size: 30” x 30”; CAM preferred size: 30″ by 40″)
  • 6 diapers (please use new fabric, absorbent 100% cotton or flannel, minimum size:
    18” x 27”; CAM preferred size: 21” x 36”)
  • 2 sleepers (3-12 months)
  • 2 rubber panties (3-12 months)
  • 2 undershirts or onesies
  • 2 pairs socks or booties
  • 1 baby cap
  • 4 diaper pins or safety pins (minimum size: 2 inches)

Avoid fabric with questionable pictures, such as TV, occult, sports, and cartoon characters. Items made with such fabric will not be distributed.

Wrap all items in one of the blankets and fasten firmly with the diaper pins or tie together with ribbon. If you prefer, put the items in a drawstring bag. You may label the bundles “boy” or “girl.”

Layette boys

IMPORTANT shipping information below.

International School Kit

International School Kits

For schools in Liberia, Ukraine, Nicaragua, and other countries.

Items to include:

  • 4 spiral notebooks (8″ x 10 1/2″ or 8 1/2″ x 11 with approximately 70 pages each)
  • 1 wooden 12-inch/metric ruler
  • 6 wooden No. 2 pencils (unsharpened, good quality
  • 1 Pink Pearl™ eraser, or similar quality (not pencil top)
  • 2 blue or black ink pens
  • 1 box of 24 crayons (basic colors)
  • 1 comb
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 drawstring bag (11″ x 15″)

Fill the drawstring or similar-type bag with the items listed above. Pull strings tightly to prevent items from falling out.

school kit 24 crayons

IMPORTANT shipping information below.

Childrens New Clothing

Assemble a pack of brand-new clothes

Ages 4-16 (various countries) Your gift of a brand new shirt, dress, socks, or other items will bring a smile to a needy child or youth. For some recipients, it may be their only set of new clothes.

Ages 1-3 (various countries) A pack of new clothes for toddlers is extremely valuable in various countries. A gift of new clothes will not only delight little ones but also bring relief to impoverished parents..

Pack A

Boys (ages 11-16)

  • 1 pair of trousers
  • 1 shirt with collar
  • 2 briefs
  • 2 pairs of socks
Pack A
Pack A

Pack B

Girls (ages 11-16)

  • 1 dress
  • 2 panties
  • 2 bras
  • 2 pairs of socks
Pack B
Pack B

Pack C1

Boys (ages 7-10)

  • 1 pair of trousers
  • 1 shirt with collar
  • 2 briefs
  • 2 pairs of socks
Pack C
Pack C

Pack D1

Girls (ages 7-10)

  • 1 dress
  • 2 panties
  • 2 pairs of  socks
Pack D
Pack D

Pack C2

Boys (ages 4-6)

  • 1 pair of trousers
  • 1 shirt with collar
  • 2 briefs
  • 2 pairs of socks
Pack C2
Pack C2

Pack D2

Girls (ages 4-6)

  • 1 dress
  • 2 panties
  • 2 pairs of socks
Pack D2
Pack D2

Pack E

Boys (ages 1-3)

  • 1 pair of trousers
  • 1 shirt with collar
  • 2 undershirts or onesies
  • 2 cloth diapers
  • 2 pairs of socks
Pack E
Pack E

Pack F

Girls (ages 1-3)

  • 1 dress
  • 2 undershirts or onesies
  • 2 diapers
  • 2 pairs of socks
Pack F
Pack F


Request a pre-labeled bag from our home office in Ohio for each pack of clothing you wish to assemble. Deliver or ship your clothing packs to any CAM location or ship them to our Indiana Clothing Center at 660B S. Van Buren St., Shipshewana, IN 46565. If you wish to help with the cost of shipping your clothing packs overseas, your gift of $2.50 per pack can be sent to our home office, or you can fill out the donation form below.

Due to tight customs requirements, each list must be strictly followed. To help ensure that we can continue shipping kits in the future, please include only the items listed.

Important Shipping Instructions

This applies to all kits and layette bundles Due to tight customs requirements, each list must be strictly followed. To help ensure that we can continue shipping kits in the future, please include ONLY the items listed. Put all the kits or bundles into a large box or bag. Label each box/bag with the number of kits/bundles inside. Your items can be dropped off at any CAM location, or shipped to our warehouse in Pennsylvania: (Attn: Shipping Department; Christian Aid Ministries; 2412 Division Highway; Ephrata, PA 17522)

Want to help get your kits to their destination?

Your gift of $2.50 per kit will cover the cost of shipping your items overseas. Please fill out the donation form below, or send $2.50 per kit in a separate envelope to the CAM home office (Attn. Kit Projects, P.O. Box 360, Berlin, OH 44610).

Shipping for kits and layette bundles


Grand total

SKU: SCK Category:

Additional information

Shipping Amounts

$2.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00

For information about other projects you can do, please browse our complete PDF Projects You Can Do Catalog below.

Kits and Projects