Haiti Sponsor a Child


Many Haitian parents can hardly afford tuition and school supplies to give their children a chance to learn. Throughout the country, poverty grips people to the point where they can barely afford food, let alone school items and tuition. Some schools are on the verge of closing because of poor economics.

Through the Haiti Sponsor-A-Child School Program, more than 4,800 Haitian children can go to school because of generous sponsors. These children are given a chance to learn while receiving a free meal at school. In some cases, it may be the only nourishing meal they receive for the day.

Your donation provides curriculum, teacher pay, and a hot meal each day for needy Haitian children. For a monthly sponsorship of $85, you can support a group of three children.

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One-Time Gift

Haiti-Sponsor-A-Child – One-Time


Paying for school tuition, uniforms, and textbooks is out of the question for many Haitian parents. About 40 percent of the population is unable to read and write. The Haiti-Sponsor-A-Child school program helps educate children so that, as adults, they can read the Word of God and support themselves.

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Monthly Gift

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Haiti-Sponsor-A-Child – Monthly

$85.00 / month

Paying for school tuition, uniforms, and textbooks is out of the question for many Haitian parents. About 40 percent of the population is unable to read and write. The Haiti-Sponsor-A-Child school program helps educate children so that, as adults, they can read the Word of God and support themselves.


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One-time, Recurring