Water is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible, revealing its importance since the beginning of time. Life depends on it. Doctors lecture on the importance of hydration, gardens flourish with moisture, and farmers and herders realize the urgency to supply water for their livestock.
Chilowa, Malawi
Chilowa is a rural community of 73 families, nestled in central Malawi. Homes with thatch roofs and dirt floors dot the landscape. In many homes you will find few belongings, and you won’t find a water faucet. The people of Chilowa used to walk over a mile to collect water from a murky river for their daily needs. The trek was difficult, and children who fetched water had little time or energy for school lessons. To make matters worse, the river water was contaminated, leaving the people vulnerable to waterborne diseases and infections. Your generosity made it possible for our contacts to install a high-quality LifePump™ for the people of Chilowa. Many hand pumps in developing countries require repairs after a few months, but a LifePump™ is made to last years with minimal maintenance. Its ability to reach deeper into the ground than most pumps creates a more reliable source of fresh, clean water. On December 7, 2022, people from communities around Chilowa gathered near their new pump, anxiously awaiting the first drops of clean water. They sang and praised God for the gift of this reliable water source. Bernedeta lives in Chilowa and spoke for the community when she exclaimed, “We are so happy, and every day, every month, and every year we will be so excited because of the clean water . . . the children will no longer miss school. We will . . . be happy since we will no longer have diseases. We will start planting trees and gardens and building brick houses.” This day also brought an opportunity to drink of the Living Water. Chilowa community members eagerly received Bible story books, which were recently translated into Chichewa, Malawi’s native language. “We praise God for this gift, this gift of love through this water,” said Bernedeta. “God is great, and we always praise God.” Let’s rejoice with the people of Chilowa and pray that God will continue to change lives through the gift of water.