—By CAM’s medical director in Liberia
Many clinics supported by the Medicines for Multitudes program in Liberia are only accessible by hours on bumpy, muddy bush roads. When fighting the challenging road conditions, it’s easy to overlook the vibrant shades of green, the contrasting red dirt, the small farms and villages, and the children who stop their play to wave at our truck passing through.
At the clinics, the healthcare workers greet us with smiles and handshakes. The dedication of these workers is amazing. Their pay is often low and delayed, and the supplies they need are severely lacking. Yet many of them serve remote Liberian communities for years, sometimes dipping into their own resources to help their patients.
Many of these clinics serve an average of 150 patients each month. Their patients are often from communities surviving on subsistence farming or small market stands. They live simple lives, meeting their basic needs with what they can get from the ground.
Life gets difficult when unexpected health problems come up. If the local clinic does not have basic medications, minor infections, and health issues can become deadly. Sometimes these issues are results of spiritual darkness or a lack of fundamental health practices. Children play in the dirt all day, giving opportunities for parasites to grow. Mothers and babies often suffer during childbirth because of the lack of proper care and training. Old men and women, tired from a lifetime of heavy labor, suffer from the effects of their age.
The medicines, nutritional supplements, and other supplies we deliver through Medicines for Multitudes help equip local healthcare workers to give proper medical care along with spiritual teaching. Recipients are grateful for the medicines and kindness shown to them.
Prayer requests
- Pray for the safety of CAM staff as they deliver supplies.
- Ask for strength and encouragement for healthcare workers.
- Pray that Liberians will embrace God’s truth and avoid sinful living that can lead to health issues.
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