Aziz* has an opportunity many children in South Sudan only dream of. He is going to school. His school does not have walls filled with colorful posters or shelves lined with books. Instead, his school is a mud church building where he and his classmates gather four times a week for two hours of school. They sit on simple wooden benches as their teacher instructs them in reading, writing, arithmetic, and Bible. Aziz is grateful for this chance to get an education because he knows that without it, he would probably not receive any schooling at all.
Aziz’s country is one of the most economically depressed countries in the world, with thousands of South Sudanese children growing up never learning to read or write. Many parts of the country simply have no schools to attend. This lack of even the most basic education keeps many families locked in a cycle of poverty.
South Sudan-Sponsor-A-Child is a new program that gives South Sudanese children the life-changing opportunity to receive an education from Christian teachers. Along with academic teaching, students hear truths from God’s Word. According to CAM staff, the need for schooling in this country is so great that only a small portion of those wishing to join the program can be helped. Children who are unable to attend the classes are unlikely to receive schooling elsewhere. $17 a month will allow one child to attend classes.
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