Through the South Sudan Sponsor-A- Child program, impoverished children learn to read, write, and follow Jesus.

Changing Lives Through Monthly Sponsorships

Mina* struggled with fear after her mother was killed. She did not want to speak to anyone or even leave her grandmother’s house. When Mina began attending remedial classes funded by the Egypt Sponsor-A-Child program, her fears were eased by her teachers’ love and support. She is now one of the top students in her class.

In India, Tamil and her daughter started working as day laborers after the death of her husband. But when sickness and disease disrupted their lives, it became impossible to work. Many nights found them going to bed hungry because there was no money for food. Now Tamil receives a monthly food parcel through the Support-A-Widow program, and she praises God for it. “It is the mercy and grace of the Lord that He is fulfilling our needs every month,” she says. “We never imagined this great blessing in our lives. We are no longer going to sleep on an empty stomach.”

Mina and Tamil are only two of the many people who are blessed through our growing list of over 24,000 sponsorships. Although we will likely never meet all the people whose lives are changed through sponsorships, an Adopt-A-Family recipient says it well: “Even if we do not know each other here on earth, we shall see each other in glory.”

*Names changed to protect identities.

To learn more, click Monthly Sponsorships below.

Monthly Sponsorships