Believers in closed and restricted countries long for teaching and encouragement from God’s Word. Millions are unable to access Bible teaching material. They greatly need encouragement.
In unusual ways, God has opened doors for CAM to provide teaching and encouragement for many thousands of our brothers and sisters around the world. This is through the avenue of monthly or bimonthly Christian family magazines.. These magazines, filled with Scripture and sound Bible teaching, are in huge demand and are vital to the spiritual growth of the church in places where Bibles and Bible teaching is scarce.
The content of these Christian family magazines comes from conservative Anabaptist writers. Articles address issues such as family life, love for enemies, Christians’ relationship to government, and much more. These Bible principles have been dear to our Anabaptist people for centuries, but are new and life changing for many readers.
At a glance
Magazines needed each year
9 million
Average cost per magazine
Budget goal for 2021
Countries of distribution
In some areas one Christian family magazine is read by six or more people. When recipients are finished with the magazines, they pass them on to others. From household to household, the impact goes on and on. Due to the scarcity of any kind of literature in these places, many unbelievers are also anxious to read the magazines and learn about the way of Jesus.
Some people who receive the Christian family magazines live in areas with very few Christians. They long for fellowship, but are alone. One recipient shared, “Whenever I receive a new magazine from you, I feel I’m not alone.”
We thank God for allowing us to share Biblical teaching.. The demand for these magazines far exceeds contributions we receive for this program. Thousands eagerly wait for their own copies of Christian family magazines. Things are rapidly changing in our world and we don’t know how long we will have this opportunity. Our desire is to send as much Bible teaching material as possible while we are able. If you wish to support this work through giving a one-time donation or by starting a monthly sponsorship, your contribution will be a great blessing.
Join us in praying for our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Our prayer is that all of God’s people, whether experiencing religious freedom or not, would endure to the end, walking faithfully until the return of our Lord.
God bless you!
Christian Aid Ministries
“What are these which are arrayed in white robes? . . . These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:13, 14)